Permanent Electric Fence Presenter

Earthing your energizer To complete the circuit and control any animal

Live fence Earthing

Eight out of ten fencing problems are due to improper earthing. Setting up a good earthing system is critical to having a reliable fencing solution. It’s how the power flows from the Energizer, to the fence, through the animal and back through the ground to the Energizer. Without good clean earth rods, sufficient in size and quantity, the ground connection doesn’t work and the shock will not reach the animal. Follow the 4-3-2-1 rule for earth systems: 4 meters between earth stakes (10m spacing for Super Earth Kits) 3 earth stakes minimum* 2 metres minimum length of earth stakes 1 wire connecting all earth stakes to Energizer earth terminal *As a rule of thumb, use at least 3 earth stakes or the Energizer Stored Joules rating divided by 5. If you’re using Super Earth Kits, Gallagher recommend each earth being installed 10m apart.

All live wire system For use in greener regions with good ground conductivity. An ‘all live system’ is where all fence wires connect to the red terminal on the Energizer. A shock is delivered to an animal when it touches both the ground and the fence at the same time.

Live fence Earthing

See Energizer selection chart for earthing recommendations.

Earth return wire system For use where the ground struggles to conduct enough power. An ‘earth return system’ is created where the live and earth wires on the fence create the shock when the animal touches them both at the same time.

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